- Big Brother has reintroduced the parrot in the ‘No Loose Guard’ edition of the BB Naija show.
- Biggie reintroduced a fan favorite element from the previous season on Sunday night.
- The Parrot, a robotic device that records private conversations between housemates and later reveals them to the public, was introduced during the ‘All Stars’ edition.
- The show’s further intrigue will be enhanced by the return of the parrot to the house.

The parrot has been reintroduced by Big Brother in the current ‘No Loose Guard’ edition of the BB Naija show.
On Sunday night, Biggie brought back a beloved feature from the previous season.
The Parrot, a robotic device designed to capture the private conversations of housemates and subsequently disclose them to the audience, was initially unveiled during the ‘All Stars’ edition.
The reintroduction of the Parrot into the house is expected to enhance the show’s intrigue.
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